[Unit 1 Project] Final Presentation
" In this project, I’d like to highlight the dark side of people living in ‘Social Media’ age. As a background of the dark side, I’m going to talk about how the meaning of ‘social’ and ‘media’ has been expanded in the last years." "‘Social’ means relating to society. In these days, the meaning of ‘social’ could extend in digital spaces as like Twitter and Instagram, which people are always connected even if they are logged out. It’s because the media we shared is left as a log." " In terms of the meaning of media, traditionally, " the public was as a roll of ‘receiver’ in Lasswell's Model of Communication. " " This is the model, simply, ‘a sender sends a message by a channel to a receiver and they show an effect, which means feedback." "Now, in the ecosystem of ‘social media’, smartphone and digital networking service users have just become the Model of Communication itself by self-repr...