"My work always explore something somewhere in-between reality and virtuality, surface and depths, absence and presence. In projection mapping, I literally use the lights so I can play with the audiences to see it not to it. The viewer can have the very immersive experience. People can physically invoke their bodies and see what's going on behind the space, beyond the space, between the space using their bodies "

"What I prefer to do is not to make an object. I use the original respect that the space has"

"For artists, that's really important to understand the context of the space and why do you choose that space where projections. "

"Why use mixed reality in art?
We need to redefine our concepts of realities. Projection mapping is really strong instruments to talk about that shifting boundaries. It exists at the same time it disappears so I want to talk about our new perceptions, new orientations. How we can anchor ourselves in these shifting boundaries"

CONTINUUM_Part00 from Yiyun Kang on Vimeo.

It is incredibly easy to overlook how profoundly the world has changed over the last couple of decades with digital technologies. Kitchin and Dodge (2011) examined that our daily spaces are increasingly dependent on code, and thus computation creates new spatialities in our everyday life, turning the space into code/space. As such, computation is extensively and intimately woven into the fabric of our lives. Then have we really become ‘smarter’ than before with all these ‘smart’ aids of computer? With automation, data collection, pervasive computing, IoT technologies, we are actually losing our agencies ever than before and will increasingly lose it at the speed of light that runs through the fibre-optic cable if we would not recognize that our life is intensely shaped by the co-constitutive relationship between human, machine, and software.

디지털 기술로 지난 수십 년 동안 세계가 얼마나 깊이 변화했는지 간과하기 란 매우 쉽습니다. Kitchin과 Dodge (2011)는 우리의 일상 공간이 점점 더 코드에 의존하고 있음을 조사하여 일상 생활에서 계산이 새로운 공간을 만들어 공간을 코드 / 공간으로 전환 시켰습니다. 따라서 계산은 우리 삶의 구조에 광범위하고 밀접하게 짜여 있습니다. 그렇다면 우리는이 모든 '스마트 한'컴퓨터 보조 장치로 이전보다 '더 똑똑 해졌다'고 생각합니까? 자동화, 데이터 수집, 퍼베이시브 컴퓨팅, IoT 기술을 통해 우리는 이전에 비해 우리 기관을 실제로 잃어 가고 있으며 우리의 삶이 강하게 형성되어 있다는 것을 인식하지 못한다면 광섬유 케이블을 통과하는 빛의 속도로 점점 더 잃을 것입니다 인간, 기계 및 소프트웨어 간의 공동 구성적인 관계에 의해

Continuum captures our history that is no longer fully comprehensible with linear temporality alone as it folds and unfolds by continuously expanding its spatio-temporal dimensions. In so doing, data and algorithm will be at the centre of the system, underpinning how history was and continue to be written. Therefore, it is hugely important for us not to be trapped in the computational, algorithmic abyss and to critically weave our history in this profoundly transitional time.

연속체는 시공간적 차원을 지속적으로 확장함으로써 접히고 펼쳐질 때 선형 시간성만으로는 더 이상 완벽하게 이해할 수없는 우리의 역사를 포착합니다. 그렇게함으로써 데이터와 알고리즘이 시스템의 중심에 위치하게되고, 어떻게 역사가 쓰였으며 앞으로도 계속 쓰여질 것입니다. 그러므로 우리가 계산적 알고리즘 적 심연에 빠져들지 않고이 심오한 과도기적 시간에 역사를 비판적으로 짜맞추는 것이 중요합니다.

Unveiled 01 from Yiyun Kang on Vimeo.


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