
Showing posts from April, 2019

[Unit 3 Project] The day before the presentation

1) Done sound test before final output 2) While visual effect finish, done sink each sound channels and re-matched ambisonic sound clips 3) Edited, edited, and edited 4) Finalised the visual effect and rendering 5) Somehow, there was a sink and sound error 6) An error of video importing in Pro tools 7) Solved with re-exporting video from .mp4(360) to .mov(flat video) 8) Re-sinking 9) Uploading error assuming from the metadata injection for Youtube 10) Solved and successfully uploaded 11) Beer

[Unit 3 Project] Sound List (27 April 2019)

to share with the team for me

[Unit 3 Project] Climate Change | Recording narration with actors in White City Recording room


[Unit 3 Project][Pro tools' ambisonics output setting issue] Asking to Spatial Audio in VR/AR/MR Facebook group

Issue : The output of ambisonic sound on an ambisonic track doesn't sound in Pro tools. Cause : Output setting, but I don't know how to set up the multi analogue channel and digital channels  Solution :  1) Using 4 mono track for one ambisonic clip, or 2) Using FB360 plugin, not G'Audio, or 3) Using Reaper, not Pro tools I choose 1) because, at that time, this was the safest way.

[Unit 3 Project] Taking 360 video clips, using Garmin Virb 360 5k Action Camera

chargedWHEN YOU USE THE  Garmin Virb 360 5k Action Camera WITH RAW RECORDING , DO NOT DELETE METADATE FILES IN FORDER! hiding while taking 360 video clips  listing up for editing, but it brought a disaster... I changed the file names and deleted metadata files as like always I've done. Consequently, these raw 180-degree video clips couldn't stitch automatically with using their Garmin program... So we tried to stitch manually with referencing this video: Even though it worked, it seemed to take too much time. So I recovered the SD card with using a recovering app, which is not a free version but for $10 cost. The free recovering app(especially for MAC) is not working...

[Unit 3 Project][G'Audio error] Direct asking to Ted Lee, G'Audio's CTO(now me), about the error of FFmpeg

"Hello, Dr Lee. I am Taeheon Lee who is studying Digital Direction at the Royal College of Art, in the UK. I am very interested in the GAUDIO plug-in and I am trying many things. However, there is an error when installing the encoder and it is not solving it... If you do not mind, I would like you to handle the error when installing the encoder." He answered and updated their homepage and sent me the link to solve the error.

[Unit 3 Project][Pro tools x G'Audio] Personal process in the first time of mixing and G'Audio plug-in

 G'Audio is a plug-in for Avid Pro Tools . In my case, I know what is Pro tools for mixing film but I don't know how to use it because of that my sound designers(co-worker) did everything when I just sat down behind her/his chair with talking about team's direction. Anyway, It was good chance to glimpse the process of film mixing. This is below what I found at that chances. 0) NOT TO MENTION, Learn Pro Tools as a basic level with Youtube tutorial or etc. And set up the G'Audio plug-in 1) First of all, obviously, sound design is one of the last parts of post-production so cut-editing should be completed and fixed (more often than not, it changes after sending to sound studio...and I did...) For this experiment, I used a 360 video clip already edited, which was an experiment for composing various 360 footages in the same scene. <Another Timeline, by Alice and author, 2019> This highly seems to need to create whole sound (ambience, ADR(Automated Dialog

[Unit 3 Project][Pro tools] ERROR...No codec error with Pro Tools 12.8.x when importing a video file, 비디오 안불러지는 오류...

Pro Tools Video Issue Troubleshooting. No Codec error, Black Video Window etc ... Last Updated : September 10, 2018 Products Affected :  I updated to Pro Tools 12.8.x. Pro Tools cannot import a video file with an error saying there is no codec. I could import the specific video file with older version of Pro Tools before. If your Mac OS is version 10.9.5 or lower, your system is not supported by Pro Tools 12.8.x. Because of this incompatibility, the Video Engine does not work properly. In this case, please try below. - Please back up your data first, update your OS to the  supported version  and reinstall Pro Tools 12.8.x. or - Please  uninstall Pro Tools 12.8.x , reinstall the compatible version of Pro Tools. If your OS is supported by the Pro Tools version, please try the common workarounds below. ***** 1. First of all, Please check the video codec compatibility. Please al

[Unit 3 Project] [GAUDIO] Seoul Digital Forum 2016 [Spatial sound engine for protools]

02:10 ~ 06:40 GAUDIO Gaudio tutorial

[Unit 3 Project][Avid Pro tools] Interface(edit) and shortcuts

(190411 / v.12.0) Basic shortcuts cmd + =  mix/edit  cmd+shift+N new track    cmd + ↑,↓,←,→ in the new track, can select for different options cmd+shift+I import audio control+alt+↑,↓ selected track vertical size     control+alt+shift+↑,↓ all track vertical size alt+shift+D duplicate 트랙 복제 cmd R/T zoom track control D/G/F D= fade in, G=fade out, F=making fade control B trim 객체안에서 자르기 control H combine 객체안에서 자른 파일 복구 F1,2,3,4 edit mode (F4는 다른 1,2,3과 함께 적용된다)    slip - basic edit    shuffle - 타임라인에서 오디오를 자르면, 자른 부분이 공백이 되지 않고 줄어든다.    spot - 타임코드를 이용하여 세부 이동 가능    grid - 격자가 생긴다. 프레임이나 박자별로 설정가능  F5~10 // (esc로 이동 가능)    F5 zoom / alt minus zoom         normal zoom/simple zoom(줌 기능 후에 이전 모드로 돌아감 ex) 손바닥>심플줌>자동으로 손바닥)   F6 Trim     standard   TCE 선택된 객체의 소리 속도가 조정된다/ fast/slow   Scrub    Loop 선택된 객체의 소리가 반복된다   F7 Select tool   F8 Grabber 손바닥툴    F9 Scrubber tool   F10 pen tool    볼륨 레벨을 그려서 설정