[Unit 3 Project][Pro tools x G'Audio] Personal process in the first time of mixing and G'Audio plug-in

 G'Audio is a plug-in for Avid Pro Tools. In my case, I know what is Pro tools for mixing film but I don't know how to use it because of that my sound designers(co-worker) did everything when I just sat down behind her/his chair with talking about team's direction. Anyway, It was good chance to glimpse the process of film mixing. This is below what I found at that chances.

0) NOT TO MENTION, Learn Pro Tools as a basic level with Youtube tutorial or etc. And set up the G'Audio plug-in

1) First of all, obviously, sound design is one of the last parts of post-production so cut-editing should be completed and fixed (more often than not, it changes after sending to sound studio...and I did...)

For this experiment, I used a 360 video clip already edited, which was an experiment for composing various 360 footages in the same scene.

<Another Timeline, by Alice and author, 2019>

This highly seems to need to create whole sound (ambience, ADR(Automated Dialog Replacement ) and Polly..) since we used a microphone in GoPro Fusion, which generated worse sound footages than I expected. Especially the ambient sound is the worst; I expected it but I thought it's okay because it's an experiment...


Anyway, I worked it straightly into Pro Tools without any edit and noise reduction by the Adobe Premiere and Audition. And IT IS MY MISTAKE... I should've edited something before using Avid because simply I just kicked the chance to make it better by passing over its value.

2) Re-export for getting small file size (but same screen size) for Pro Tools

The original file that is 1.2GB with apple 422 codec converted low-quality file around 90mb with H.264 codec.

Because Pro Tools is for a sound program, not video so I need the only video to check sink.

3) Take each sound elements apart (ambience, actors step respectively, actors voice respectively, etc)

Each element put a place in a single track, and track renames as the sound title.

FYI 1) You can import a video clip to check the sink in Pro Tools, but somehow I couldn't do. If so do you, refer to the previous post: [Unit 3 Project][Pro tools] ERROR...No codec error with Pro Tools 12.8.x when importing a video file. But I haven't fixed it because I can check the sink with the G'Audio plug-in (I will mention below: https://taeheonrcadd.blogspot.com/2019/04/unit-3-projectpro-tools-errorno-codec.html)

3) Refer to the YouTube tutorial and apply it to your work

The four tutorial video clips above are like previous versions of the plugin.

and so on... check the GAUDIO Youtube page.

4) Calm down and work against fucking ERRORS, god damn UNEXPECTED SHUTDOWN and MY GLORY MISTAKES

In tutorials, it's easier for an instructor, but in practice, it is not (maybe only for me somehow)

There are a few things I've found below

1) I couldn't see the video clip in the plugin. And nobody tells me how to turn on the video in the up-to-datedness GAUDIO plugin... It made me crazy because sometimes it worked but sometimes it didn't work randomly...

Click the BYPASS and/or native then video screen will be coming.

2) The error of setting up G'Audio Encoder with FFmpeg, consequently I can't get a final file yet (12,04,19)

G'Audio Encoder needs to set up FFmpeg in an initial stage, but somehow it can't(12 April 2019) I found the same problem(31 May 2017 )in the Facebook Forum page. I think every time FFmpeg update from their company, G'Audio should re-link to connect their install system.

I sent an inquiry to the company, waiting for the response.
Meantime I download FFmpeg files from that codec company, but I still don't know where I can set up on my MAC

3) How to record the movement of the sound element?

I think it's from where my inexperienced on Pro Tools. In the tutorial video clip, they say record the movement by using the function of 'read'. But it doesn't work well by my MAC. I'm going to study how to do it

Yeap this is all. I will upload after I have any progress!


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